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              Company Culture
              Company Culture

              Brand Meaning:

              Yangling is the place where Houji, the earliest official in charge of agriculture in Chinese history, taught people how to grow crops. It is also the birthplace of the Yellow River Civilization.

              Metronthis word comes from ancient Greek and is a unit quantifier for measuring information. It means to understand the world through tools and implies the management goals of technology-based enterprise.

              The Logo color is a combination of black and yellow ("The darkling skies and yellow earth" from "Thousand-Character Classic"). Yellow represents Yangling, the birthplace of the Yellow River Civilization, which is also where the company registered; Black represents Sky, which means the contribution of Metron to clean energy.

              The M-shaped deformation pattern represents the company's products - the pictogram of diamond wire, and the electroplated diamond wire is the key product of Metron.

              The design of logo means that the company will base itself on the Chinese civilization, learn the world's advanced technology and culture, and make contributions to the global development. .

              Corporate Vision:

              Committed to the development of green energy industry

              To be the world’s leading diamond tools manufacturer and facilitator

              Corporate Responsibilities:

              Create value for customers

              Provide staff with development

              Make profits for shareholders

              Make contributions to society


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                        2. 国产区更新,中日韩一级A片黄片,国产自产99视频在线看91,亚洲五月丁香婷婷

